News and Events          

News & Events

The evolution of pest-resistant potatoes and non-bitter tomatoes

The evolution of pest-resistant potatoes and non-bitter tomatoes


Supporting potato breeders and researchers in Latin America

Supporting potato breeders and researchers in Latin America


Plant Varieties in the EU Protection System: Webinars on 14 & 15 November 2019

Plant Varieties in the EU Protection System: Webinars on 14 & 15 November 2019


World Food Day

World Food Day


G2P-SOL Report on the 17th International Eucarpia Meeting

G2P-SOL Report on the 17th International Eucarpia Meeting


G2P-SOL Report on the XVI Solanaceae Conference

G2P-SOL Report on the XVI Solanaceae Conference


FOOD2030 – Launch of on-line consultation for first strategic plan of Horizon Europe!

FOOD2030 – Launch of on-line consultation for first strategic plan of Horizon Europe!


Pomopoulus Summer School at UPV

Pomopoulus Summer School at UPV


Join the G2P-SOL entry level training school on using potato biodiversity in breeding

Join the G2P-SOL entry level training school on using potato biodiversity in breeding


Stressing the importance of breeding for disease resistance: G2P-SOL presented at the VI International Symposium on Tomato Diseases

Stressing the importance of breeding for disease resistance: G2P-SOL presented at the VI International Symposium on Tomato Diseases


G2P-SOL at the European Biotechnology Congress

G2P-SOL at the European Biotechnology Congress


Growing insights and fruitful discussions

Growing insights and fruitful discussions


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The G2P-SOL project (Title: Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 677379.