From 01-03 March 2017, the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) in Gatersleben and the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Quedlinburg jointly held the “5. Quedlinburger Pflanzenzüchtungstage” taking place in conjunction with the GPZ Meeting AG Genomanalyse. The conference focused on the status of translating genomics into application. The Kurt von Rümker award with a price money of 1.000€ was granted for the best scientific newcomer in the field.
As the host of the conference in Gatersleben, the IPK was represented by Dr Nils Stein, head of the genetic group “Genome Diversity”, who took the chair of the opening and closing sessions.
The objective of this combined workshop was to compile recent plant breeding approaches deriving from the latest technological developments and to determine to which extent they have actually been transferred into crop improvement.
IPK is a partner of the G2P-SOL consortium and the co-leader of WP3 “Genotyping and resequencing” sharing the central topics of the conference. Dr Ronny Brandt therefore presented a poster outlining the activities and goals of the G2P-SOL project: